Technical SEO

HTTP Status Codes : What They Mean for Your Website?

Decoding the Digital Language

Think of HTTP status codes as the web’s way of communicating with your browser. They’re like emoji for websites, conveying vital information about your online experience. From “Page Found” to “Access Denied” , these codes dictate how the internet responds to your every click.

Why Every SEO Enthusiast Needs to Know This

Imagine you’re an SEO explorer , navigating the vast online jungle. Understanding HTTP status codes is like having a treasure map. It helps you spot and solve issues that can make or break your website’s SEO success. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a curious beginner, these codes are your compass to mastering the art of online optimization.

So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey through HTTP status codes, demystifying the digital realm one status at a time! #HTTPStatusCodes #SEOExploration

HTTP Status Codes important to know for Technical SEO :

200 OK

This status code means success. When a web page returns a 200 OK status it indicates that the request was successful and the server has provided the requested content.
It’s like getting a green light – everything is working as expected.

301 Moved Permanently

This code tells search engines that a web page or resource has been permanently moved to a new location. It’s like updating your address. It’s essential for SEO because it ensures that search engines know the correct location of your content, preventing duplicate content issues.

302 Found (Temporary Redirect)

Unlike 301, a 302 status code indicates a temporary redirection.
It’s like a “Come back later” sign. It’s useful when you want to redirect users or search engines temporarily but keep the original URL.
However, be cautious when using it for SEO, as it can affect rankings.


HTTP status code 402 isn’t directly related to SEO. It indicates that payment is required often used in e-commerce transactions.
It doesn’t have a significant impact on SEO unless payment issues are preventing access to content.

404 Not Found

This code signals that the requested resource or page doesn’t exist on the server.
It’s like hitting a dead end – the content couldn’t be found.
Frequent 404 errors can negatively affect SEO and user experience.

410 Gone

Similar to 404, but with a stronger message. A 410 status code indicates that the requested resource has been intentionally removed and is gone for good.
It’s like closing a shop permanently. It’s crucial for SEO to inform search engines that the content is no longer available.

500 Internal Server Error

This status code means something went wrong on the server’s side while processing the request.
It’s like encountering a roadblock. Frequent 500 errors can negatively impact SEO because search engines may struggle to access your content.
Understanding these HTTP status codes is essential for technical SEO .
They help ensure that search engines can crawl and index your website correctly, improving its visibility and user experience.

Now let’s dive deeper in every HTTP Status Code you may see in your way of mastering SEO by practice :

HTTP Status Codes: The 100s

The HTTP Status Codes in the 100s often referred to as the “Informational Codes” are a group of HTTP response status codes that provide informational responses to indicate that a request has been received and the process is continuing.

These codes don’t represent a final response but rather serve as interim messages during the HTTP communication process.

The 1xx code are typically used to acknowledge the receipt of a request indicate that the server is still processing the request or provide some preliminary information about the ongoing transaction.

The client should typically wait for further instructions or responses from the server after receiving one of these codes.

100 Continue HTTP Status Code

Imagine you’re at a fancy restaurant, and the waiter nods approvingly when you order your favorite dish. That’s the “100 Continue” status code for you! It signifies that the server acknowledges your request and invites you to proceed. It’s like a reassuring wink from the kitchen.

101 Switching Protocols

Picture this as a conversation between two people speaking different languages, and suddenly they decide to switch to a common tongue. In the digital realm, “101 Switching Protocols” signals that the server is changing the communication protocol per the client’s request. Smooth transitions, just like changing radio stations.

102 Processing (WebDAV)

Sometimes, it feels like your request is in a cosmic queue, and you wonder if it’s lost in the vastness of the internet. “102 Processing” assures you that the server has received your request and is working on it. It’s like a spaceship preparing for liftoff – anticipation in the air.

103 Early Hints (Experimental)

Think of “103 Early Hints” as a fortune teller providing you with a sneak peek into the future. It’s an experimental status code that lets the client know that some response headers are on the way. It’s like receiving the first few pages of a book to pique your interest before the full story unfolds.

These 100s status codes are like the opening act in a grand performance of the HTTP orchestra. They set the stage for the interaction between clients and servers, ensuring a smooth and exciting journey through the digital realm!

HTTP Status Codes: The 200s

The HTTP Status Codes in the 200s range generally indicate successful responses from the server.
These status codes signify that the client’s request was received understood and processed successfully by the server.
They are typically associated with various types of successful interactions :
such as retrieving data creating new resources or indicating that the requested operation has been successfully completed.
In essence the 2xx codes group assures the client that their request was met with success and it’s often used to convey positive outcomes in web interactions.

200 OK

Imagine your request as a treasure hunt. When the server responds with “200 OK,” it’s like finding the hidden treasure! Everything is good, and you got the data you were looking for without any problems. It’s a happy status!

201 Created

The server says, “Congratulations, we’ve just created a new resource for you!” It’s like a construction site where a new building (resource) has just been erected.

202 Accepted

Picture sending an invitation to a friend and they reply with a thumbs-up emoji That’s what “202 Accepted” means.
Your request is welcomed and acknowledged but it might take a bit of time to process so be patient.

203 Non-Authoritative Information

Imagine getting news from a reliable source versus a rumor. ( 203 Non-Authoritative Information ) means the server is sharing information, but it’s not the top-notch source. It’s like getting news from a friendly neighbor.

204 No Content

It’s like knocking on a door and when it opens there’s no one there. “204 No Content” tells you that your request was successful, but there’s nothing to show. It’s an empty room.

205 Reset Content

Think of it as a reset button. When you get “205 Reset Content,” it’s like refreshing a page. It tells you to reset your view because something might have changed.

206 Partial Content

Imagine you’re downloading a big puzzle image, and it arrives piece by piece. “206 Partial Content” means the server is sending parts of what you requested. It’s like solving a puzzle one piece at a time.

HTTP Status Codes: The 300s

HTTP Status Codes in the 300s, generally referred to as “Redirection” are a group of response codes indicating that the client needs to take additional action to fulfill the request.
The 3xx status codes are used when a resource has been moved, and the client is directed to a new location or when multiple choices are available for the requested resource.
The client must then decide which resource to choose or follow the redirection to the new location provided by the server.
These codes serve to inform the client about the status of the requested resource and guide them on how to proceed further.

300 Multiple Choices

The server tells you there are multiple choices and you have to pick just one .
This status code indicates that there are different options available and the client (your web browser) needs to make a choice on which resource to use.

301 Moved Permanently

Think of this like moving to a new house. When you move, you leave a forwarding address for your mail to follow you.
This status code means that the requested resource has permanently moved to a new location.

Just like your mail, your browser should remember this change for future visits.

302 Found (^or 302 Temporary Redirect )

Imagine you’re going on a road trip, and there’s a temporary detour sign.
You follow the detour but you know it’s not a permanent change.
This status code indicates a temporary redirect. The requested resource is temporarily available at a different location, but it might come back to its original spot later.

303 See Other

Picture a museum with many exhibits. You came to see one specific exhibit, but a sign tells you to check out another hall where you’ll find what you’re looking for. This status code suggests that you should follow a different URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) to find the resource you’re after.

304 Not Modified

This status code means that the resource you’re requesting hasn’t been modified since your last visit. Your browser can use the locally cached version, saving time and bandwidth.
Imagine you’ve lent a book from the library, and you want to renew it. The librarian checks, sees the book hasn’t changed, and tells you there’s no need for a renewal.

307 Temporary Redirect

Think of this as a temporary detour, like a road under construction.
Your browser should follow this different route for now, but the original location will be back soon.
It’s a lot like the 302 status code but with a strong hint that it’s temporary.

308 Permanent Redirect

Similar to moving to a new house and leaving a permanent forwarding address, this status code tells you that the resource has permanently moved, and your browser should remember this change indefinitely.

These HTTP Status Codes help browsers and servers communicate effectively, ensuring that you reach the right web content, whether it’s a temporary detour or a permanent change of address!

HTTP Status Codes: The 400s

The HTTP Status Codes in the 400s represent a cluster of responses that signal errors initiated by the client within the realm of the HTTP protocol.
The 4xx errors happen when there’s an issue with the client’s request (usually a web browser) to the server.
In essence, they represent issues with the user’s side of the communication.

Here’s a brief overview of what the HTTP Status Codes in the 400s generally represent:

400 Bad Request

This status code indicates that there’s a problem with the client’s – your web browser’s – request.
It’s like when you give a confusing or wrong order at a restaurant and the waiter doesn’t understand your request.
In web, it means the server couldn’t understand the request because of issues like syntax errors or missing information.

401 Unauthorized

This code means you’re not authorized to access a particular resource on the server.
Imagine trying to access a private club without showing your membership card.
It’s like being told you can’t enter because you haven’t provided the right login details or haven’t logged in at all.

402 Payment Required (Not Used)

Although rarely used, this code would suggest that you need to make a payment to access the resource, somewhat like needing a ticket for a show. However, it’s not commonly employed on the web.

403 Forbidden

It means you don’t have permission to access a specific area.
Think of this as encountering a “No Entry” sign.
This status code tells you that you’re not allowed to view the requested resource.
It’s like a digital “Keep Out” sign.

404 Not Found

Imagine searching for treasure but it’s not where you expected it to be.
This code means the server couldn’t find the webpage or resource you’re looking for.
It’s like hitting a dead-end in your internet journey.

405 Method Not Allowed

This status code informs you that the method (like GET or POST) you used isn’t allowed for the requested resource.
Think of this as trying to open a locked door with a iron stick – it’s just not the right approach.
It’s like saying, “You can’t use that tool here.”

406 Not Acceptable

This code means the server can’t provide the data in the format you asked for.
It’s like the server saying, “Sorry, we don’t have that type of dish.”
Imagine ordering a pizza, but the restaurant only serves pasta.

407 Proxy Authentication Required

Picture a club with a secret entrance that requires a special card.
To gain access you need to show your credentials.
This status code means you must provide proxy server credentials to access the resource just like showing your special club card to enter.

408 Request Timeout

This code means the server waited for your request, but it took too long to get there, so it gave up waiting.
Think of waiting for a bus, and it takes too long to arrive so you decide to leave.
It’s like a bus that never shows up.

409 Conflict

This status code means there’s a conflict between what the client requested and the current state of the resource.
Imagine two people trying to edit the same document at the same time causing chaos.
It’s like trying to change a document that someone else is also editing.

410 Gone

This code means the resource you’re looking for used to be there, but it’s gone for good.
Think of a house that used to exist but got demolished.
It’s like a place that has vanished, leaving no forwarding address.

411 Length Required

This status code tells the server that the request is missing the “Content-Length” header, which is essential for understanding how big the request is.
Imagine you’re sending a package, but you forgot to mention how long it is. The delivery service needs to know the length to handle it properly.

412 Precondition Failed

The server expected certain conditions to be met before processing the request, but those conditions weren’t satisfied. So, it can’t proceed.
Think of it as a situation where you’re about to open a locked door but you’re missing the right key.

413 Payload Too Large

This status code indicates that the request’s payload (like an upload or a message) is too large for the server to handle.
Imagine you’re trying to fit a giant gift into a tiny box.
It’s like saying, “Sorry, this is too big for us to accept.”

414 URI Too Long

This status code suggests that the requested URL is too lengthy for the server to handle.
Picture a web address that’s so long it spills over onto multiple lines.
It’s like saying, “This address is too long for us to find what you want.”

415 Unsupported Media Type

This status code means that the server can’t process the request because the format or media type isn’t supported.
Imagine trying to play a VHS tape in a DVD player—it won’t work because the media types are different.
It’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.

416 Range Not Satisfiable

This status code tells you that the server couldn’t satisfy the range request in the “Range” header.
Think of it as searching for a specific page in a book, but the page number you requested doesn’t exist.
It’s like saying, “Sorry, that part doesn’t exist.”

417 Expectation Failed

This status code suggests that the server couldn’t meet the expectations specified in the “Expect” header of the request.
Imagine you expected a gift, but when you opened it, it wasn’t what you anticipated.

418 I’m a Teapot (not part of standard)

This one is a playful and unofficial status code that doesn’t have a real-world application in the HTTP standard.
It’s often used humorously and signifies that the server is a teapot, not capable of making coffee.

421 Misdirected Request

This status code occurs when a server receives a request intended for another resource.
It’s like sending a package to the wrong address; the server gets confused and needs redirection.

422 Unprocessable Entity

When the server receives a request with valid syntax but can’t process the data due to errors or inconsistencies, it responds with this status.
Imagine sending a form with missing or incorrect information.

423 Locked

This status code indicates that the requested resource is locked and cannot be modified.
It’s like trying to edit a document that someone else is already working on.

424 Failed Dependency

When a resource depends on another resource that failed to be accessed or modified the server returns this code.
Think of it as a chain reaction where one resource’s failure affects another.

425 Too Early

If a request is received too early and isn’t yet valid, the server responds with this status. Imagine arriving at a store before it’s open; you’re just too early.

426 Upgrade Required

Meaning: This code indicates that the client should switch to a different protocol version.
It’s like needing to upgrade your software to access a newer website feature.

428 Precondition Required

When a request lacks certain required conditions, the server responds with this code.
It’s akin to needing to meet specific requirements to enter an event.

429 Too Many Requests

If a client sends too many requests in a short time, exceeding limits set by the server it receives this status.
It’s like being in a queue that’s moving too fast.

431 Request Header Fields Too Large

When the headers in a request are too large for the server to handle it returns this code.
Think of it as trying to fit too much information into a small box.

451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons

Meaning: This status code indicates that a resource is unavailable due to legal restrictions such as censorship or copyright issues.
It’s like a “no entry” sign for legal reasons.

HTTP Status Codes: The 500s

The HTTP Status Codes in the 500s are a group of responses that indicate server-side errors in the HTTP protocol.
The 5xx errors typically occur when there’s a problem on the server’s side that prevents it from fulfilling the client’s (usually a web browser) request.
In essence, they represent issues with the server’s handling of the request rather than the client’s actions.

Here’s a brief overview of what the HTTP Status Codes in the 500s generally represent:

500 Internal Server Error

Meaning: This status code indicates a generic error message on the server.
It means something went wrong on the server’s side, and the server cannot specify what exactly happened.

501 Not Implemented

This status code indicates that the server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request. It’s like saying, “Sorry, the server can’t do that.”

502 Bad Gateway

Meaning: This status code indicates that the server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, received an invalid response from the upstream server.
like a communication breakdown between servers.

503 Service Unavailable

This status code indicates that the server is temporarily unable to handle the request due to overloading or maintenance.
It’s like the server saying, “I’m currently unavailable, please try again later.”

504 Gateway Timeout

Meaning: This status code indicates that the server acting as a gateway or proxy did not receive a timely response from the upstream server.
It’s like a request that got lost in transit.

505 HTTP Version Not Supported

This status code indicates that the server does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request.
It’s like trying to speak a language the server doesn’t understand.

506 Variant Also Negotiates (Experimental)

Meaning: This status code is rarely used and experimental.
It suggests that the server has an internal configuration issue.

507 Insufficient Storage (WebDAV)

there’s not enough storage space left on the server to store the resource.
Meaning: This status code, specific to WebDAV

508 Loop Detected (WebDAV)

Meaning: Also specific to WebDAV this status code indicates that the server detected an infinite loop while processing the request.

510 Not Extended

Meaning: This status code indicates that further extensions to the request are required for the server to fulfill it.
It’s like the server asking for more information to proceed.

511 Network Authentication Required

Meaning: This status code indicates that the client must authenticate itself to get the requested response.
It’s like a locked door and you need the right key (authentication) to access.

So : In the world of SEO HTTP Status Codes are like the secret language of website health.
You should As a professional SEO to wield these digital flags with finesse to ensure our websites thrive.

Abdullah Sabah

I'm Abdullah Sabah, your friendly neighborhood SEO Specialist with over a decade of experience. Some say I have a love affair with search engines – guilty as charged! 😄 . I'm the brains behind your one-stop digital oasis. With a pinch of humor and a whole lot of SEO wisdom, I've been navigating the web's wild waters since forever. 🚀🌐When I'm not decoding Google's mysterious ways, you'll find me sipping coffee ☕, pondering over algorithms, and sharing SEO secrets. I firmly believe that making SEO fun and digestible is the key to success. 🧠🤝So, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, remember, SEO is the adventure that never ends. Let's explore the ever-changing digital realm together! 💪📈🔍

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